Since the UK lockdown began earlier this year due to the Coronavirus outbreak, many London properties are experiencing increased levels of interaction, due to the “stay at home” order from the government. This has meant the closure of schools and most workplaces, therefore families are at home more and using their own appliances and amenities.
It may seem like a silly thing to consider, but the increased use of your toilets, showers, and sinks could lead to increased strain on your drainage system - in particular, if you have an underlying drainage issue.

How do I know if I have a drainage issue?
Many symptoms of a drainage issue within a property will be fairly obvious. Such as leakages, foul smells, or water not draining away (or doing so very slowly). Toilets that back up are also a clear indication of a problem with your drains.
As your drains are such an essential part of keeping your home hygienic and properly functioning, sewage workers are classed as key workers during this time of lockdown in the UK and will likely continue to be so as the rules and regulations change. Homes that experience leaks are particularly crucial, as sewage pouring into a property or leaks pouring into walls or floors, could pose a serious health risk to the inhabitants.
What is drain lining?
Often drains can fracture and crack, especially if they are very old or have experienced some kind of renovation leading to a break, and to replace an entire drainage system would be a large (and costly) job. Drain lining may be a viable solution to cracked drains, essentially sleeving them from the inside and restoring them to full working order.
Drain lining in London is one of the most common drainage services we provide to our customers. We can also service areas outside of London, depending on your location. If you are unsure whether we can perform drain lining at your property, it is best to get in touch with the Drainsmart team. You can tell us the problem you are experiencing with your drains and let us know where the property is, we can then guide you on how we can best help.
How much does drain lining in London cost?
As with many of our drainage services, the cost of lining the drains at your property will depend on several factors, including the size of your property. Also, drain lining may not be the best solution to the problem you are experiencing with your drains. The first thing we would recommend would be a CCTV drain survey, the cost of which starts at just £175 + VAT, which allows for 3 manholes - usually enough for most properties.
Again, if you would like to discuss the cost of drain repairs at your property, it is best to get in touch with our team, either by phone - 0800 740 80 40 - or using the contact form at the bottom of the page.